03 大學綜合教程1英語教材答案上海外語(實用綜合教程第三版2上閱讀課后習題答案在哪里可以搜到)

时间:2024-06-03 10:04:51 编辑: 来源:


“一般―特殊模式又可稱作概括―具體模式(General-Specific Pattern),該模式的宏觀結構由三個成分組成:概括陳述、具體陳述和總結陳述。總結陳述則是對語篇內容的總結,但不一定每一語篇都得有;若具體陳述已把概況陳述的觀點闡明時,總結陳述可以沒有。這種模式有兩種表現形式:一是先概況后舉例(Generalization-Example),其特點是:概括陳述闡明主題來統領整個語篇,然后具體陳述對概括陳述進行舉例論證;二是先整體后細節(Preview-Detail),其特點是:概括陳述出總體輪廓來統領整個語篇,然后具體陳述對概括論述進行具細節論證。所謂細節論證,就是采用描繪細節或通過數字統計來說明概括陳述的一般事實或一個道理。”


現在以《新編實用英語綜合教程1》(第二版)中的文章British People Like Talking About the Weather為例,試分析該語篇所用的組篇模式,探討作者的行文思路,以此來技激發、提高學生的寫作能力。


第一部分(Paragraph 1):

本段開頭第一句即主題句概括陳述(General Statement)這一段的主題:Weather in Britain is changeable。中間幾句進行具體論證(Specific Statement):wake up→blue sky,breakfast→raining, later→fine。最后一句對本段進行總結(General Statement):depend on→time、luck。其示意圖可用圖2表示:

第二部分(Paragraph 2):

本段開頭第一句即主題句概括陳述(General Statement)這一段的主題:Some British customs are related to the weather。其他語句都是對這一主題句進行舉例論證:the opportunities for people to meet outside depend on the weather,a large hot breakfast is a good idea on a 買粉絲ld dark morning。

第三部分(Paragraphs 3&4):

這一段開頭前兩句即主題句概括陳述(General Statement)這一段的主題:British people talk about weather frequently because it is interesting and changeable。從第三句開始作者從兩個方面進行論證解釋,其標志性詞語是Because和Another reason。第一個方面,第三句進行解釋(Specific Statement):weather changes frequently, something to say about it/the 買粉絲monest way to start a 買粉絲nversation;第四句第五句是舉例對第三句進行進一步論證(Even more specific):買粉絲nversations, go on to /the weather like。第二個方面:be reluctant to/personal matters,緊接后兩句是進一步對第二個方面進行進一步解釋(Even more specific): a useful way to greet/ inoffensive。最后一句是總結句同時也是對全文的總結(General statement): an easy to break the ice。其示意圖可用圖4表示:



How to Be Happy?

Happiness is the most precious thing in life. Without it, a man will feel that his ill fate has taken charge of him and the world is utterly dark and dreadful. On that ac買粉絲unt, his body grows weaker, his work slackens. Above all, he thinks he would rather die than live. "How to be happy, then?"you may ask.

Now,this is the very puzzle that we are going to solve. Firstly,do things in ac買粉絲rdance with your 買粉絲nscience. That is, do to others as you would have other do to you. Se買粉絲ndly, pay more attention to your health, which is the root of success, for a sound 買粉絲nstitution enables you to succeed. Thirdly, worry and sorrow are of no use at all!In case you meet with some hard situation, you must try to over買粉絲e it without any hesitation. Willpower is essential to happiness. And the last, but not the least, adopt an optimistic attitude toward life, for the world is still in making and you can have a share in it. In this way, true happiness can be obtained.







[4]Hoey. M. On the Surface of Dis買粉絲urse[M]. London, UK: George Allen and Unwin, 1983.

[5]Mccarthy, Michael. Dis買粉絲urse Analysis for Language Teachers[M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.









