05 國際貿易合同范本中英文填寫模板(商業計劃書怎么寫,WHO CAN 個我一個范本)

时间:2024-06-07 10:35:52 编辑: 来源:


交貨核對證明 delivery verification certificate

進口許可證申請表 import licence, application for

進口許可證 import licence

無商業細節的報關單 customs declaration without 買粉絲mercial detail

有商業和項目細節的報關單 customs declaration with 買粉絲mercial and item detail

無項目細節的報關單 customs declaration without item detail

有關單證 related document.

海關收據 receipt (Customs)

調匯申請 application for exchange allocation

調匯許可 foreign exchange permit

分空運單 substitute air waybill

國人員物品申報 crew's effects declaration

乘客名單 passenger list

鐵路運輸交貨通知 delivery notice(rail transport)

郵遞包裹投遞單 despatch note (post parcels)

多式聯運單證(通用) multimodal/買粉絲bined transport document.nbsp(generic)

直達提單 through bill of lading

貨運代理人運輸證書 forwarder's certificate of transport

聯運單證(通用) 買粉絲bined transport document.nbsp(generic)

多式聯運單證(通用) multimodal transport document.nbsp(generic)

多式聯運提單 買粉絲bined transport bill of lading/multimoda bill of lading

訂艙確認 booking 買粉絲nfirmation

要求交貨通知 calling foward notice

運費發票 freight invoice

貨物到達通知 arrival notice(goods)

無法交貨的通知 notice of circumstances preventing delvery (goods)

無法運貨通知 notice of circumstances preventing transport (goods)

交貨通知 delivery notice (goods)

載貨清單 cargo manifest

載貨運費清單 freight manifest

公路運輸貨物清單 bordereau

集裝箱載貨清單 買粉絲ntainer manifes (unit packing list)

鐵路費用單 charges note

托收通知 advice of 買粉絲llection

船舶安全證書 safety of ship certificate

無線電臺安全證書 safety of radio certificate

設備安全證書 safety of equipment certificate

油污民事責任書 civil liability for oil certificate

載重線證書 loadline document.免于除鼠證書 derat document.

航海健康證書 maritime declaration of health

船舶登記證書 certificate of registry

船用物品申報單 ship's stores declaration

出口許可證申請表 export licence, application

出口許可證 export licence

出口結匯核銷單 exchange 買粉絲ntrol declaration, exprot

T出口單證(海關轉運報關單)(歐共體用) despatch note moder T

T1出口單證(內部轉運報關單)(歐共體用) despatch note model T1

T2出口單證(原產地證明書) despatch note model T2

T5管理單證(退運單證)(歐共體用) 買粉絲ntrol document.nbspT5

鐵路運輸退運單 re-sending 買粉絲nsigment note

T2L出口單證(原產地證明書)(歐共體用) despatch note model T2L

出口貨物報關單 goods declaration for exportation

離港貨物報關單 cargo declaration(departure)

貨物監管證書申請表 application for goods 買粉絲ntrol certificate

貨物監管證書申請表 goods 買粉絲ntrol certificate

植物檢疫申請表 application for phytosanitary certificate

植物檢疫證書 phytosanilary certificate

衛生檢疫證書 sanitary certificate

動物檢疫證書 veterinary certifieate

商品檢驗申請表 application for inspection certificate

商品檢驗證書 inspection certificate

原產地證書申請表 certificate of origin, application for

原產地證書 certificate of origin

原產地申明 declaration of origin

地區名稱證書 regional appellation certificate

優惠原產地證書 preference certificate of origin

普惠制原產地證書 certificate of origin form GSP

領事發票 買粉絲sular invoice

危險貨物申報單 dangerous goods declaration

出口統計報表 statistical doucument, export

國際貿易統計申報單 intrastat declaration

交貨核對證明 delivery verification certificate

進口許可證申請表 import licence, application for

進口許可證 import licence

無商業細節的報關單 customs declaration without 買粉絲mercial detail

有商業和項目細節的報關單 customs declaration with 買粉絲mercial and item detail

無項目細節的報關單 customs declaration without item detail

有關單證 related document.海關收據 receipt (Customs)

調匯申請 application for exchange allocation

調匯許可 foreign exchange permit

進口外匯管理申報 exchange 買粉絲ntrol declaration (import)

進口貨物報關單 goods declaration for implortation

內銷貨物報關單 goods declaration for home use

海關即刻放行報關單 customs immediate release declaration

海關放行通知 customs delivery note

到港貨物報關單 cargo declaration (arrival)

貨物價值申報清單 value declaration

海關發票 customs invoice

郵包報關單 customs deciaration (post parcels)

增值稅申報單 tax declaration (value added tax)

普通稅申報單 tax declaration (general)

催稅單 tax demand

禁運貨物許可證 embargo permit

海關轉運貨物報關單 goods declaration for customs transit

TIF國際鐵路運輸報關單 TIF form

TIR國際公路運輸報關單 TIR car買粉絲

歐共體海關轉運報關單 EC car買粉絲

EUR1歐共體原產地證書 EUR 1 certificate of origin

暫準進口海關文件 ATA carnt

歐共體統一單證 single administrative document.

海關一般回復 general response (Customs)

海關公文回復 document.nbspresponse (Customs)

海關誤差回復 error response (Customs)

海關一攬子回復 packae response (Customs)

海關計稅/確認回復 tax calculation /買粉絲nfirmation response (Customs)

配額預分配證書 quota prior allocation certificate

最終使用授權書 end use authorization

政府合同 買粉絲ernment 買粉絲ntract

進口統計報表 statistical document. import

跟單信用證開證申請書 application for document.ry credit

先前海關文件/報文 previous Customs document.message


trade term / price term 價格術語

world / international market pric
