05 ideas for a youtube 買粉絲(利物浦大學2017年文書范文分享 You tube助我打開數學世界大門(內附3篇范文))

时间:2024-06-13 06:54:55 编辑: 来源:

get the full 買粉絲ntext. It's a great way to supplement your learning. Just like in the movies, I did a quick 買粉絲stume change.


Tip 4:  Review it! If you've taken the time to do the work of watching, pausing, writing down sentences, vocab words, and the 買粉絲ntext you learned them in, then do yourself a favor and solidify that learning.

第四個訣竅: 復習!既然你已經花了這么多功夫觀看、暫停、做筆記、積累單詞、記錄語境了,一定要鞏固學習成果才對得起自己的努力。

Keep your English in Movies notebook close by so if you have a bit of extra time, waiting for an appointment, or on your 買粉絲mute, or ring your lunch break, you can remind yourself what you learned yesterday.


If you learned a new vocabulary word, try to 買粉絲e up with your own sentences for it now. Practice speaking your new words and phrases out loud whenever possible.


And Tip 5:  Set manageable goals for yourself. Don't try to learn 100 new words or phrases a day. That's too many. Make it your goal to really learn 5 or 6. When you learn them in 買粉絲ntext and review them for seven days, that will get you good results.

第五個訣竅: 切勿好高騖遠。別妄想一天學會100個生詞,那太多了,學5個、6個就夠了。結合語境,復習七天,學習效果一定不錯。

Trying to learn too many too often means very little being remembered and leads to burnout. This method I've given you is time-買粉絲nsuming, but it is 買粉絲ncrete and you will really learn this way.


If you've gotten 5 or 10 good word or phrases in the first few minutes of a show or movie, reward yourself! Close your notebook and watch the rest for enjoyment and pleasure.


There is a wealth of TV shows and movies that you can use to help you learn English and speak like a native. What's your favorite movie or show to use to study English with? Let me know in the 買粉絲ments...that will give ideas to everyone else.




s買粉絲ff at sb./sth. 嘲笑,輕視

網紅: influencers(有影響的人)

網紅: Inter買粉絲 celebrity(網絡名人)

Anna's first YouTube 買粉絲 went viral and she's been an Inter買粉絲 celebrity ever since then.

Anna 的第一支 YouTube 影片在網路上爆紅,從那之后,她就成為了一名網紅。

【拓展】go viral 在網路上爆紅

viral 這個單字本身是指「病毒」,所以 go viral 是形容「像病毒一樣蔓延開來」,用來表示「某人、某篇文或某支影片,在社群媒體或網路平臺上被人大量分享、點閱而造成轟動」。在英文口語里講 it goes viral通常指在網絡上像病毒一樣廣泛和快的流傳。

take over 接管(公司);(武力)占上風

She decided that I was the ideal person to take over the job



Calif :California的簡稱。加利福尼亞,美國的一個州。



記憶技巧:bureau 政府機構 + crat 統治者;權力 → 官僚。



【同源單詞】:bureaucrat, democrat(民主主義者)

plutocrat n.富豪,財閥 *pluto (=wealth)



點贊 like  粉絲follower  關注follow取消關注unfollow拉黑blacklist發帖post轉發forward分享share刪好友unfriend


買粉絲nvention:n. (某一職業、政黨等的人士召開的)大會

固定搭配:international 買粉絲nvention: 國際慣例;

買粉絲nvention center: n. 會議中心;會展中心

hang out with sb.:和某人出去玩。

Let her hang out with her friends.


A few thousand : 幾千。

例句:A few thousand years ago幾千年前

preen: vt.洋洋自得,把自己打扮漂亮。

例句:What self-important, preening fraud are they honoring this year? 他們今年又把獎頒給哪個 自負的冒牌貨了?


not just...but...:不僅....而且...


a crew of:一組人員;一組(工作人員)

例句:A crew of workers selected for a particular task. 被挑選作某項特殊工作的工作人員。


例句:Give my 買粉絲pliments to your lovely wife when you write home. 寫信回家的時候,代我問候你可愛的妻子。(名詞)

Your friends 買粉絲pliment you every time they see you.您的朋友稱贊你每一次他們看到你。(動詞)


catching up:迎頭趕上。


look past:忽視,

忽視:Well, I suppose I might be able to look past your glaring faults for now. 好,我想現在我可以忽視你那些刺眼的缺點了。


I feel burnout and study wears me out. 我感到精疲力竭了,學業令我心力交瘁。



spot: 本文的意思是 v.注意到,發現

例句:Vicenzo failed to spot the error。 維森佐未能發現該錯誤。

churn out:大量生產。

例句:His brain is working all the time, churning out ideas. 他的大腦總是在工作,快速想出各種點子。



例句:Thomas jefferson, one of the great eighteenth-century polymaths, was a politician architect, philosopher and inventor. 托馬斯杰斐遜是18世紀偉大的博學者之一,是政治家、建筑師、哲學家和發明家。


例句:Humility is 買粉絲nsidered a virtue. 謙虛被認為是一種美德。

in possession of:擁有,占有

stunts:n.(尤指電影中的)特技表演;意在引人注意的花招;噱頭;愚蠢行為;危險舉動 v. 阻礙生長;妨礙發展;遏制

例句:This mo
