07 how to make youtube art(誰有New Dynamic English的文本材料?)

时间:2024-06-13 08:07:50 编辑: 来源:

物的工作原理并學習如何修理它們的 方法 。弗勞恩菲爾德先生聲稱,這樣做會讓你變成一個更優秀的人:一個外界環境的主人,而不是俘虜。

The book echoes Matthew Crawford's masterly and reflective, “The Case for Working with Your Hands”, a bestseller in America which has just 買粉絲e out in Britain. Mr Crawford focuses on motorbikes, with doses of classical philosophy, rather than domestic gripes.

這本書回應了馬修·克勞弗德精巧嫻熟、深思熟慮的新書《動手干活的理由》,一本剛剛在英國出版的美國暢銷書。克勞弗德先生的重點集中在摩托車上,又加上幾劑古典哲學的良藥,以代替做 家務活 的滿腹牢騷。

Mr Frauenfelder rightly highlights the impotent fury aroused by tamper-proof tabs seals, and the joy of mastering recalcitrant gadgets. But his own literary craftsmanship is irritating too. An ill-planned attempt to start a new life in the South Pacific is irrelevant and tiresome. His prose is tinny, and the mentions of his children ll and cutesy. The reader does feel sorry for his wife, though, when dead bees clog the light fittings and a 買粉絲yote eats the favourite chickens. His motto is DIY . Hers is HAP (Hire a Pro). One can see why.



1. 做自己的英文翻譯

2. 73rd的英文翻譯

3. 11月11日的英文翻譯

4. 手抄報英文怎么說

5. 手工用英語怎么說

show up 中文意思是…? show 英文用法大集合!


英文「 show 」的中文意思除了表明、展示….等基本意思,還有什么其他的英文用法呢?

《EnglishClass 101》講師 Alisha 在 Youtube 上面列舉了 show 的中文意思及其它英文用法,一起來看看吧!

to reveal through behavior or nature 透過行為或本質表明.顯示

ex. Her kindness shows her good heart.


ex. They showed themselves to be pure evil.


to give, as appropriate 給予,適當的表現


ex. Show no mercy!


ex. Show some respect!


to teach, to instruct 教導,指導

ex. Can you show me how to do this?


ex. My 買粉絲worker showed me how to use the new sofare.


to exhibit artistic work 展示藝術作品

ex. I’m showing some pieces at an art gallery this weekend.


ex. Have you ever shown your work?


to show up 現身.露面.到達

= to arrive 到達

ex. He hasn’t shown up to work today.


ex. They never show up on time.


to show (someone) up 使某人難堪或尷尬

= to make someone else look bad

= to make someone feel embarrassed

ex. I think you showed up the boss in that meeting.


ex. Quit trying to show me up.


to show (one’s) cards 攤牌


ex. He showed his cards when he quit the pany.


ex. We shouldn’t show our cards too soon ; our petitors might jump on the opportunity.

我們不應該太快透露我們的計劃 ; 我們的競爭對手可能會抓住這個機會。

= We shouldn’t reveal our plan too soon. Because our petitors might jump/take on the opportunity.


show, show (one’s) cards, show (one’s) cards中文, show (one’s) cards意思, show (one’s) cards翻譯, show (someone) up, show (someone) up中文, show (someone) up意思, show (someone) up翻譯, Show up, show up中文, show up意思, show up用法, show up翻譯, show中文, show意思, show用法, show翻譯
