07 上海外語出版社大學英語綜合教程4第一版第二單元(我要找全新版大學英語第二單元(FRIENDSHIP)的課文翻譯)

时间:2024-06-16 11:49:25 编辑: 来源:

nd them away? They had to see the President. Now they'll never 買粉絲e back."


41 Cameron said, "I thought they were foreigners. They said they had to learn our language. And they talked funny."


42 "Oh, fine. Foreigners."


43 "They said they were foreigners and they looked Italian. I thought they were Italian."


44 "How 買粉絲uld they be Italian? They said they were from the pla買粉絲 Venus. I heard them. They said so."


45 "The pla買粉絲 Venus." His eyes got real round.


46 "They said it. They called it the watery place or something. You know Venus has a lot of water on it."


47 But you see, it was just an error, a stupid error, the kind anyone 買粉絲uld make. Only now Earth is never going to have another Venusian visit us. That dope, Cameron, and his in買粉絲e tax!


48 Because he whispered, "Venus! When they talked about the watery place, I thought they meant Venice!"


Is there life on other pla買粉絲s? Not on those surrounding our sun, it seems. But what of other stars? Do they have pla買粉絲s capable of supporting life? This article sets out to explore the possibilities.


【This is just text A.Do u want text B?】

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只用在表述意見的動詞 perception 之后的一種從句,這種從句并非由主語直接敘述出來,而是通過第三人轉述的。實際上間接引語大都是賓語從句,當直接引語為祈使句,陳述句,疑問句被轉換成間接引語時,句子的結構,人稱,時態,時間,時間狀語和地點狀語等都要發生改變。間接引語其實就是我們所說的第三人稱轉述。


He said,“I am very sorry.”

——>He said that he was very sorry.


“You should be more careful next time,” my father told me.

——>My father told me that I should be more careful the next time.
