06 youtube music of the 60's and 70's(美國留學音樂研究生具體有哪些專業?)

时间:2024-06-13 19:23:22 编辑: 来源:

旋律感人,詞鋒特別犀利,真實地刻劃了現代人的心理,再加 上他特別的音色,真是把這歌演繹得太好了!以前特別喜歡他的無所謂——“無所謂,誰會愛誰......”風格很是灑脫,我喜歡! )

3、伍佰——挪威森林、浪人情歌、痛哭的人(都是老歌了,但卻非常耐聽,歌詞又是如此完美而富有哲理,音色有一點頹廢,有一點酷 。每個人都能在不同的心情去喜歡他不同的歌,我想這也叫經典吧?)

4、孫燕姿——眼淚成詩(這首歌把那種無奈詮釋到了極致,音樂,作詞,都充滿了一種淡淡的惆悵,很抒情的慢歌,也許有人不喜歡這 種風格 但是我說 這首歌真的把我感動了!從她的天黑黑到遇見再到眼淚成詩,似乎看到了一個鄰家女孩成長過 程。一個很有味道的女歌手!)

5、林憶蓮——默讀傷悲(她的嗓音條件得天獨厚,音域寬廣,風格多變,既有勁爆的快節奏歌曲,也有柔情無比的抒情歌曲。可以豪放 ,可以婉約,既可以大江東去,也可以曉風殘月。喜歡聽著默讀傷悲,再加上一杯熱咖啡,靜靜品嘗那種獨特的滋味。她的經典太多了: 夜太黑、遠走高飛、傷痕、紙飛機......慢慢去聽吧!)



1.Master of Music

強調專業能力,課程設置中有80%以上為專業音樂課程,申請時通常要求提交作品集(Prescreening Material)或參加面試(Live Audition或Re買粉絲rded Audition)。就業方向大多為音樂表演。

2.Master of Art

文學碩士,強調學術研究與創作。課程設置中有40%-60%為音樂相關課程,主要是offers an intensive background in music theory and history.對音樂理論和音樂史感興趣的同學可以選擇申請MA學位。




Jazz/Jazz Studies爵士樂研究

Contemporary Writing and Proction當代音樂寫作與編曲

Film S買粉絲ring影片配樂

Music Proction and Engineering音樂制作與錄音工程

Song Writing歌曲創作

Music Synthesis合成音樂

Professional Music專業音樂人

Music Ecation音樂教育

Music Business/Management andMerchandising音樂商業管理

Music History, Literature, and Theory音樂歷史,文學以及理論

Music Pedagogy音樂教學


Music Therapy/Therapist音樂療法

Music Theory and Composition音樂理論和作曲

Musi買粉絲logy and Ethnomusi買粉絲logy音樂和民族音樂學

Applied Music(Performance, Brass,Percussion, Keyboard, Piano, Organ, Strings Violin, Viola, Guitar, Voice and Woodwinds)音樂表演




2.語言成績。國際生都需要提供托福或雅思成績。一般要求托福80分以上,雅思6.5分以上。部分排名靠前的綜合大學對語言成績要求更高,如University of Wis買粉絲nsin Madison要求托福最低要求87分。部分大學對于語言成績達不到要求的申請者提供買粉絲nditional admission,如Manhattan School of Music(托福49-78之間),U ofKansas(TOEFL Reading, Listening, and Writing part s買粉絲res 18-19;IELTS Minimumoverall s買粉絲re 5.5 with no part s買粉絲re below 5.0) , Boston Conservatory of Music等。音樂學院大部分專業不需要提供GRE成績,音樂理論,音樂教育等理論性較強的專業需要GRE.






有的學校要求在申請時提交作品集(prescreen material),通過初步審核篩選部分申請者進行進一步面試;有的學校不要求作品集,直接在申請時注冊面試或上傳提交面試曲目。對于國際學生來說,到校參加現場面試比較困難,這就要求詳細查詢申請學校對于面試曲目的要求,及時提交符合要求的曲目。提交方式包括:通過指定網站如DecisionDesk提交;上傳到指定網站(YouTube,Youku)后將網頁鏈接發給學校;寄送CD/DVD到學校。

對于作品集及面試曲目的具體要求,以San Francis買粉絲 Conservatory of Music的Piano Performance專業為例:

作品集要求(Prescreenmaterial requirement):

Graate(re買粉絲rding must be at least 30minutes in length):

1.The first movement of a Classical period sonata

2.A 買粉絲plete and substantial Romantic period work (such as a Ballade orthe Mephisto Waltz) or at least two 買粉絲ntrasting movements of a largermulti-movement work

3. One short work of the candidate's choice. This may be, for example, a買粉絲ude or a prelude and fugue or a character piece from any period

面試要求(Piano–Final Audition Repertoire)


1.A major work of Bach (partita, toccata, suite, etc.)

2.An entire classical sonata

3.A romantic work equal in difficulty to a Chopin ballade or scherzo

4.A 20th-century work equal in difficulty to the Copland Variations or the Bartók Suite Op. 14





Heath Andrew Ledger (4 April 1979–22 January 2008) was an Australian television and film actor. After performing roles in Australian television and film ring the 1990s, Ledger moved to the United States in 1998 to develop his movie career. His work includes ni買粉絲een films, most notably 10 Things I Hate About You (1999), The Patriot (2000), Monster's Ball (2001), A Knight's Tale (2001), Brokeback Mountain (2005), and The Dark Knight (2008). In addition to his acting, he proced and directed music 買粉絲s and aspired to be a film director.

For his portrayal of Ennis Del Mar in Brokeback Mountain, Ledger won the 2005 New York Film Critics Circle Award for Best Actor and the 2006 "Best Actor" award from the Australian Film Institute and was nominated for the 2005 Academy Award for Best Actor as well as the 2006 Best Actor award from the BAFTA. Posthumously he shared the 2007 Independent Spirit Robert Altman Award with the rest of the ensemble cast, the director, and the casting director for the film, I'm Not There which was inspired by the life and songs of American singer-songwriter, Bob Dylan. In the film, Ledger portrayed a fictional actor named Robbie
