02 inside of me什么意思(inside of me是什么意思)

时间:2024-06-06 03:30:54 编辑: 来源:

of me

i was 買粉絲nfused

and i let it all out to find that im

not the only person with these things in mind

inside of me

but all the vacancy the words revealed

is the only real thing that ive got left to feel

nothing to lose

just stuck hollow and alone

and the fault is my own

and the fault is my own

i want to heal

i want to feel

what i thought was never real

i want to let go of the pain ive held so long

erase all the pain til its gone

i want to heal

i want to feel

like im close to something real

i want to find something ive wanted all along

somewhere i belong

and ive got nothing to say

i cant believe i didnt fall right down on my face

i was 買粉絲nfused

looking everywhere only to find that its

not the way i had imagined it all in my mind

so what am i

what do i have but negativity

cause i cant justify the

way everyone is looking at me

nothing to lose

nothing to gain hollow and alone

and the fault is my own

the fault is my own

i will never know

myself until i do this on my own

and i will never feel

anything else until my wounds are healed

i will never be

anything til i break away from me

and i will break away

ill find myself today

i want to heal

i want to feel like im

somewhere i belong






"in" 用于表示物體在另一個物體的內部或范圍之內。

例子1: "The book is in the bag."(書在包里。)

例子2: "She lives in the city."(她住在城市里。)

"inside" 表示物體的位置或方位。

例子1: "He is inside the car."(他在車里。)

例子2: "Please wait inside the building."(請在建筑物內等候。)


"in" 是一個介詞,連接兩個名詞短語或句子。

例子1: "The keys are in my pocket."(鑰匙在我的口袋里。)

例子2: "She studied in a prestigious university."(她在一所名牌大學學習。)

"inside" 可以作為副詞,修飾動詞或介詞短語。

例子1: "He went inside the house."(他進入了房子里。)

例子2: "They hid inside the cave."(他們藏在洞穴里。)


"in" 可以用于表示時間、目標、成員等。

例子1: "The 買粉絲ncert will start in five minutes."(音樂會將在五分鐘后開始。)

例子2: "He is interested in sports."(他對運動感興趣。)

例子1: "There's a surprise inside the box."(盒子里有個驚喜。)

例子2: "The cat is hiding inside the closet."(貓躲在衣柜里。)


"in" 在一些情況下可以替換 "inside",但 "inside" 不能完全替代 "in",特別是在表示時間、目標、成員等方面的用法。

例子1: "Please sit in the chair."(請坐在椅子上。)(可以替換為 "Please sit inside the chair.")

例子2: "She works in a hospital."(她在醫院工作。)(不能替換為 "She works inside a hospital.")

王若琳的迷宮這首歌的歌詞是什么意思呢?如題 謝謝了

王若琳的迷宮這首歌的歌詞是什么意思呢?如題 謝謝了

看著你看窗外瞧瞧變紅的夜 輕輕的你的手又握緊了一些 該不該讓你到我的世界 let's start from here 無所謂慢慢來 迷宮一樣的未來轉一個圈 會到哪里我喜歡愛情有點神秘 i don't care where we go let's start from here 陪著我喝咖啡愛在空氣里 暖暖的是你的笑趕走心情的灰 我想我不在意你曾愛過誰 let's start from here 無所謂就算愛像空沙發在等待 擁抱著是不確定我喜歡愛情多點驚喜 i don't care where we go let's start from here let's start from here 愛一個人怎么開始啊像街上走過那些人們 轉一個彎預見美好 start from here 無所謂慢慢來迷宮一樣的未來 轉一個圈會到哪里我喜歡愛情有點神秘 無所謂就算愛像空沙發在等待 擁抱著是不確定我喜歡愛情多點驚喜 i don't care where we go let's start from here um… let's start from here oh… let's start from here let's start from here

王若琳的迷宮這首歌的歌詞是什么意思呢?拜托各位了 3Q

王若琳-迷宮 帶你心飛 看著你看窗外 瞧瞧變紅的夜 輕輕的你的手 又握緊了一些 該不該讓你到我的世界 let's start from here 無所謂慢慢來 迷宮一樣的未來 轉一個圈會到哪里 我喜歡愛情有點神秘 i don't care where we go let's start from here ▓李澤昊 王若琳- let's start from here (中文版) 陪著我喝咖啡 愛在空氣里 暖暖的是你的笑 趕走心情的灰 我想我不在意你曾愛過誰 let's start from here 無所謂就算愛 像空沙發在等待 擁抱著是不確定 我喜歡愛情多點驚喜 i don't care where we go let's start from here let's start from here 愛一個人怎么開始啊 像街上走過那些人們 轉一個彎預見美好 start from here 無所謂慢慢來 迷宮一樣的未來 轉一個圈會到哪里 我喜歡愛情有點神秘 無所謂就算愛 像空沙發在等待 擁抱著是不確定 我喜歡愛情多點驚喜 i don't care where we go let's start from here um… let's start from here oh… let's start from here let's start from here



我個人感覺《迷宮》這首歌,主要想表達一種對新來的愛情的憧憬。并不了解對方,只是希望可以好好享受這種甜蜜。不在乎過去怎樣,不在乎明天怎樣,只是緊緊抓住現在,雖然仍有未知數存在,但如果有Mr. Right到來,神秘就會慢慢揭曉。不同人的觀點會有所不同。找一個陽光溫暖的午后,閉上眼睛,把音量調到最大,用心去品位這首歌吧! 看著你看窗外





let's start from here





i don't care where we go

let's start from here






let's start from here





i don'
