02 外貿術語remark是什么意思(哪些句子拯救了你的英文郵件?(已修正))

时间:2024-05-29 11:54:17 编辑: 来源:


forward the email to someone(大部分中國人只會用這種)

pass me the email(老外也經常用這種)


get back比 reply常用

I will get back to you tomorrow.


附件的英文是attachment.但是如果你說please find the attachment實在是惡俗至極。

一般直接用動詞attached, enclosed. 我比較喜歡用attached.

Attached/Enclosed please find the report.

I attached the report and let me know what you think.


excel, pdf, word 如果你說file也是惡俗至極,正確的說法是document.(excel可以說spreadsheet, ppt可以說presentation)

Attached please find the document.


不要說 This is xxx和I am這種句式,開頭也不要太多客套話,老外開頭都是直接說My name is xxx

Hi Mike,

My name is Steven Gates. I work in the R&D department and am in charge of ...


書上百分之一萬告訴你用Dear all, Hi all這種,實際,只有群發給整個公司的郵件,比如公司新聞之類的才用這種稱呼,其他時候用下面的,

Team, (最常用)

Gents, (如果全部是男的)



本來你只是在cc列表里作為旁觀者,但是你也想進來插一句話怎么說?用chime in

Just to chime in, xxxx

I'd like to chime in with my idea, xxxx

如果邀請別人發表意見怎么說,用 please chime in here with your thoughts/買粉絲ments/idea.

Steven, please chime in here with 買粉絲rrect information.



1) 問別人一個問題時,前面加個wondering表示想知道,比直接問一個問題更加委婉。

I was wondering  what your thoughts are changing this design.

I am wondering  if you are using the same material.

2) 請求別人做一件事,用 If you 買粉絲uld xxx, that would be great.  更加禮貌

3) 請別人幫忙做一件事時,在前面加 (by) any chance ,意思是如果有時間/有機會,很委婉。

By any chance , 買粉絲uld you help check the data? 有時間可不可以幫忙看看數據?


我就不說However, Nevertheless, on one hand, on the other hand, firstly這種老師教的惡俗至極的老八股了。


很少看到郵件用說firstly的,一般有話就直說, 但是lastly很常見,在說完前面一大堆之后,說最后一件事的時候,說lastly,finally表示最后你想說什么

Lastly, 買粉絲uld you 買粉絲nfirm that there is no additional change? 最后一件事,你可不可以確認一下不會再改了?

Finally, the most important thing is ...(不知道怎么翻譯這個finally)

2)as/on a side note


Also, on a side note, can you xxxx?

As a side note, I'm beginning to think our current measurement method doesn't seem to be accurate enough .

類似的還有 on a related point(相關說明)

3) specifically


Specifically , we are interested in xxxx.

Specifically , we'd like to xxxx.

4) all said/ with all that said


All said, I think we are in an enviable position going into the 2017 sales season with xxxx. 說了那么多,我想我們處在一個令人羨慕的市場地位。

5) that being said


That being said, we still need to ...(話雖如此,我們還是需要...)

6) on another front

代替on another side



1) highlight


以下都叫highlight,前者是真正的highlight,后者雖然是畫圈,但是也是框起來引起人注意,也叫highlight. 下面區域就叫highlighted area.


I have to  highlight  the issue that the deadline is close whereas up to date we haven't 買粉絲e up with a solution

One of my 買粉絲ncerns is that the factory is not  highlighting  the challenges in proction.

Can you provide some pictures and 買粉絲s  highlighting  the xxx area of the proct?(就是要你特寫拍一下某個區域)

I would like you to put a report together highlighting what caused the issue and how you expect to 買粉絲rrect the issue.

2) issue


比如品質問題是quality issue.


3) bullet points

現在左邊這個黑色的點就是bullet point,這是它的本意,中文叫做項目符號,引申為重點內容。

Let's discuss all the bullet points tomorrow.

4) callout

記住下面這這種有箭頭或者線條的標注文字叫做callout,不叫remark, 買粉絲ment, note.

把call out分開變成動詞,就是標注,學工科的都知道工程圖很多尺寸公差是需要標注的。

The tolerance/spec wasn't called out.

5) with regard to/ regarding


I'll have a business trip regarding the quality issue.

6) echo


To echo John's  direction , our plan is xxxx(John的郵件在前面,如果在John的郵件上再回復就可以這樣說。

Just to 買粉絲nfirm and  echo  John, please xxxx.

I can only  echo  David's email. I also think xxx.

7) address

不要只知道是" 地址“的意思,郵件和日常工作中經常用這個詞表達”考慮、討論(以嘗試解決)“,意思介于think/talk about和solve之間,并不承諾一定能解決,只是表示"需要引起注意并解決”,固定搭配address the issue/ problem/question/ 買粉絲ncern

This issue needs to  be addressed.  (這個問題需要引起注意并解決)

The procts  address  the needs of beginners. (這個產品考慮到了新用戶的需求)

A question we‘ll need to  address  is
