01 Animals are people's friends(八年級水平的英語作文,以動物是人類的好朋友為題,80個單詞左右.)

时间:2024-06-11 04:18:16 编辑: 来源:

把這篇文章翻譯成英語作文世界上有許多動物,他們不同的有趣能力 魚睜著眼睡覺,大象腳背上只有脂肪沒有

There are many animals in the world, their ability to different fun,

Fish sleep with eyes open, the elephant on the instep only fat no bones, only 2 in the giraffe's neck long bone infarction, ants can lift heavier than they are a lot of things.

Animals are people's friends

My classmate Benjamin had a dog called Bob, it ;like play with him, he also like to walk with it

They are like brothers

I want to raise some goldfish

I like to see them in the water







Animals are people's good friends.

I love animals very much, animals can do many things.

Now, however, many animals are facing extinction.

Environmental pollution caused many animals homeless.

So we should start to protect animals.

first,we can no longer disorderly catching disorderly kill first.

then , we can Knowledge about animals.

Animals are our good friends, so we should protect animals together!




Animals are priceless treasure for human nature,it is our human friends.Their photograph die out with us is closely related to human life.Massive destruction of animals will have serious adverse 買粉絲nsequences in humans,causing serious e買粉絲logical imbalance,so that the human living environment is destroyed.Let us start from now,starts from me,to protect the animals,make the world a better place!To protect animals,is to protect human oneself!

判正誤 Animals are people’s friends . But many wild animals are facing the danger of dying out ,

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